Monday, September 1, 2008

wardrobe additions

i've finally reached the point where my wardrobe choices are numbered. so i hopped in the car and went to motherhood maternity to see what i could find. i tried on a bunch of stuff. the pants were fairly hopeless, but some of the tops worked out alright. my favorite purchase was the denim dress. it's light enough for these "end of summer" warm days, but i think it will still look good in the fall with a long-sleeved t-shirt and my brown boots.
other purchases: a short-sleeved faux wrap t-shirt (grey), a long-sleeved t-shirt with cute gathering (grey), and a turquoise button down

1 comment:

Missy said...

did you use the fake belly in the fitting room??

i hope you like the pants i got for you!! they're making their way up there now.

the demin dress will be great! functional layering goodnes! yay! plus it might work good for breastfeeding once the baby arrives.. sometimes i wish i was still pregnant just because my dresses looked cuter on me then.

the turquoise button down looks super cute! (and hopefully will look smashing with the black pants) great color.


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