Tuesday, September 28, 2010

how to have homemade pancakes, even on a work morning—an homage to cousin "mmm mmm oscar"

here's a photo of sam this morning enjoying his pancakes. he's been eating a lot of pancakes lately (not that i can blame him, i mean, pancakes pretty much rock).
a couple of weeks ago i made sam a pancake breakfast feast, and even though he ate a ton (well, a ton for a rather small boy—so, like, probably four small pancakes), i still had quite a few left over. so, not being one to waste food (especially homemade pancakes! sacrilege!), i decided i'd just freeze them. i put layers of freshly made (but cooled off) pancakes between wax paper and stored them in a tupperware in the freezer. voila! hot pancakes are now on the menu on demand. just 25 seconds or so per side in ye old microwave, and we've got happy happy mornings!

the bonus: sam can eat pancakes all on his own. he rocks the fork like no one's business. (which means i can do other things while he munches away! woot!)

my recipe (from the essential vegetarian cookbook):

1 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons granulated or brown sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 large egg lightly beaten, or two large egg whites (or 1/4 cup egg beaters, which is what i use)
1 1/3 cups nonfat buttermilk or plain nonfat yogurt (i just use milk because i never have the other two on hand)
1/4 teaspoon salt (i added this)

i'm sure there are variations to be had, but i'm still in a "let's not mess with a good thing" place. we may get all creative with stuff later.

photo credit: mike took this photo with his new, fancy blackberry that he got for work. yes, i'm jealous.

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