Tuesday, July 6, 2010

fantastic fourth

my wash is in the machine, my boy is napping, and we are slowly recovering from our busy fourth of july weekend festivities.

we take this holiday very seriously, and try to pack in as much fun as can possibly fit, which means we were visiting and driving, playing and laughing, running and swimming, celebrating and eating until we were worn down to the nubs. sam actually conked out during the fireworks twice (once on saturday at the farm, and once on the fourth during the city fireworks)! maybe he couldn't get to sleep last night because there was no booming serenade...?

the highlight of the weekend? probably watching sam chase after his cousins—the laughing, screaming trio were a sight to see. i wish i had taken some photos or video of them, but i guess i'll have to be content with the memory.

of course, sam might say that the tractor rides were pretty high up on the fun scale. at one point i asked him if he would like to live with the tractor, and the answer was a definite yes.

now back to our regular chaos…until next weekend, that is!

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