Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the big project

here are a few layouts for the monster project i'm working on for work. there are about 36 parts that need to be laid out, and each part is 40-50 pages long—not to mention the illustrations that are hidden in the worksheets that need to be standardized (standardized = redrawn so that they match with each other and everything else). unfortunately, the timeline wasn't created with design in mind, so we're very behind schedule.


  1. Hey just curious...where do you work, and are they looking to hire more people? A friend of mine is looking...

  2. we're not hiring at the moment (severe budget deficit, part of the reason i'm part-time staff), but we do use a lot of freelancers.
    zap me an email. :)

  3. That looks like a HUGE project!
