Monday, May 31, 2010


we started off friday around 11am and headed out to four mile creek state park in new york. it was a nice drive (not too long) and aftera few pit stops, we arrived sometime after 4pm. unfortunately, we didn't think to make a reservation, so we were only able to get a campsite for the one night (instead of the two we had originally intended to stay), but we decided to at least get what we could. we were set up and ready to explore around 6, and after dinner, we got sam ready for bed and took a walk to check out the lake. after sam went to sleep (and he really was in no hurry to do so), mike and i sat around the campfire for a good long time just visiting and looking at the stars.
the next morning sam was up shortly after 7 (i think. i had headed over to the bathrooms before he woke up), and we took down the tent, ate a little breakfast, played on the playground (sam loves to swing), and headed out to niagara falls.
we had a great time walking around the falls. though sam wasn't exactly as impressed as he might have been, he seemed to enjoy walking around and riding in the stroller. he had a great time watching all the people, but he wasn't fond of the misty spray coming from the falls. at one point he conked out, but he woke up in time for some lunch and a good bit of the ride home. when we arrived, sam did a few "victory laps" and made sure the house was still in order. he seemed glad to be home.

i think the trip, overall, was a great success and am excited about trying again soon (though we have several other trips planned in the meantime!)

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