Friday, October 9, 2009

happy friday!

it's another grey day here, but there's no way it's going to get me down today. there are just too many nice things today to let the rain make my smiles soggy:
  • it's friday, which means mike will be home this afternoon. yay!
  • we get to go to columbus tonight for football and visiting tomorrow.
  • yesterday i was able to find both a new pair of black flats and a pair of convertible mittens to replace those that are showing signs of extreme wear (i.e. filled with holes). if you know me and my tiny feet, you'll understand how happy i am to find shoes in a store that are the right size (and are from the grown-up section! woot!)
  • today mom and dad (or grandma and grandpa h) are celebrating their 38th anniversary! congrats you two! we're so glad you survived four kids to make it this far!
  • tomorrow sammy celebrates his 8-month-iversary
  • a week from today we (i, sammy, and g&g h) will be on our way down to mississippi to visit my favorite sister and her family! we're so excited, we can hardly stand it!

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad there are lots of things to be happy about today because otherwise i would be completely bummed that our camping trip got rained out. it's hard to stay bummed when i know i get to see you guys in a week! (plus the boys and i did some really fun crafts today)
