Saturday, October 31, 2009

the festivities

grouchy pumpkin -- the 2009 version
as i sit here with my mug of cider and my toasted pumpkin seeds, i think i can say we had a very successful halloween.
we started off the morning by purchasing our cider and pumpkin at the farmers' market, followed by an afternoon of watching the buckeyes stomp their opponents something fierce. next we carved the pumpkin, sorted the guts, and made our pizza.
our candy at the ready, we greeted kids at the door. between bites, we enjoyed seeing many cute little ones for trick-or-treat. after dinner, we dressed our little sweetie in his costume, and daddy took him around to the neighbors' houses for a quick-or-treat (it was a little chilly, and sam's got a bit of a cough). sam was highly interested in all the kids coming to our door, so we sat by the front door so he could see what was going on. we ran out of candy shortly before 8, but things had pretty much quieted down by then. all and all, i think it was pretty good.

getting prepped and ready.

what you REALLY wanted to see. sammy as a candy-corn! i think he gave me cavities just by being in the same room with him. too sweet!
needless to say, i was very happy with how the costume turned out. even if it wasn't what i had originally planned, i think it turned out well. maybe we'll ninja-up next year (when putting something over sammy's mouth hopefully won't be so trauma inducing -- wearing a candy-corn costume for 45 minutes was trauma enough for one night!)


  1. Just have to say it, "that's a sweeeeeet costume!"

  2. what a cutie! i could eat him right up! (awesome pumpkin, too!!)
