Sunday, August 16, 2009

6 months old

here he is. six months old with a laundry list of accomplishments which include rolling over (and over and over), nearly sitting up on his own (he's so close he can taste it), eating several kinds of foods (pears, carrots, sweet potatoes, and this week he gets squash), getting in four teeth (the two top middle ones have poked through in the last week!), giving kisses, talking and singing to himself, and really having hair to be reckoned with among them. however, holding still for his photo session was not one of them.
he certainly has his tough times (tonight's bedtime being one of them), but overall, he's such a sweet and happy little guy. i'm so glad he's here so that i can kiss every inch of his adorable face, his little hands, and those sweet little feet and piggies.

1 comment:

  1. he's growing too fast! tell him aunt missy said no more growing until i get to meet him! do you think he'll still be entertained by an exersaucer when you come?
