Sunday, April 26, 2009

are you ready for some football?

friday night after bath and stories, we put sammy in his "astronaut seat" and blasted off for columbus. we arrived late, after grandma and grandpa were in bed, and went straight to sleep. we needed to get plenty, we had a date with a football game to keep the next day.

after a morning of visiting (including a nice visit with grandma nordstrom), we headed over to the game. sammy was likely one of (if not the) youngest fans at the event, which drew a record breaking 95,000+ cheering spectators. he attempted to get a little shut-eye, but the excitement was too much to ignore. he spent the majority of his time charming a couple of small boys in the family sitting next to us.

though he seemed to find the game a little stressful at times...

"i sure hope the buckeyes win!"

...we think he had a good time.

thanks grandma and grandpa for having us over! we can't wait to see you again soon! sammy sends his love and says "ah-goo" to you both.

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