Saturday, February 21, 2009

out and about

we all went out today to do our weekly shopping. sam got suited up for the occasion and i was able to get a few photos. it seemed like the weather was a little cold for his liking, but we made at least four stops before coming home, and he was sleeping peacefully for all of them.

i felt bad for mike, who got harrassed by the lady in the checkout line. she seemed to think that 11 days old was too soon for the three of us to be out and about, when in fact he had volunteered to do the shopping solo. of course, i was really looking forward to getting out of the house with sam and couldn't be persuaded to stay home. it's a good thing mike is such a good sport.

1 comment:

  1. poor mike!

    i'm glad you got to get out and about.. it sounded like you were starting to get cabin fever :)
