Monday, December 29, 2008

christmas whirlwind

after more than a week of visiting, eating, playing, enjoying, celebrating, gift opening, driving, more visiting, more eating, more playing, more enjoying, more gift opening, and more driving... we're home. we had such a wonderful time with everyone that it was hard to let it come to an end and head back to our quiet house. i feel so grateful to have such wonderful family to be with during the holidays - not just the family that i grew up with and all their fabulous new additions, but also the super family that i was lucky enough to marry into. thanks to all who let us invade their houses and bask in their hospitality!

a few highlights from this past week:

  • getting to know an almost-two-year-old oscar - he was super fun and it was great to hear him talking in his little voice. what a cutie on christmas morning with that happy hair!
  • seeing my super sis for the first time in almost a year and a half. i had great fun doing girlie things and laughing loads with my little sister.
  • seeing abby all dressed up in her christmas outfit. could that photo be any cuter?
  • hanging out at uncle roger and aunt janie's fabulous farmhouse. they're incredible hosts.
  • seeing gracie's bellybutton
  • getting a chance to see mike's grandparents - grandpa dannis and grandma nordstrom
  • watching the nieces and nephews open gifts at mike's mom's house is always a highlight

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