Tuesday, September 23, 2008

hey mom, what's for dinner?

this is what i imagine the boy saying.
i read that this week he can now taste what i'm tasting. which has me thinking "i need to eat more spinach, and broccoli, and chipotle" (as if i didn't just want chipotle all the time anyway - baby or not).
i do realize i've still got more than four months to feed him before his big debut, but this was a reminder to make an effort to include variety in my meals, and not just the same old standbys that i tend to eat when mike is out of town and i can skate by on a plate of cottage cheese and spinach.
tonight's menu: spinach, salsa, a veggie burger (sans bun), and an orange
on the menu for tomorrow: roasted veggies (mmm... summer squash) and whole wheat bowtie pasta

1 comment:

  1. jeremy's mom gave me acouple eggplants a few weeks ago, and i wanted to tell you about this recipe:


    it's great for tweaking.. i used garlic powder, onion powder, basil and oregano on it.. and i think i used some other sort of cheese.. i dont remember.. anyway... if you like eggplant, it's worth a try..
